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What is Art?

I am a teenage girl who loves art. I create art. I see art. I am art. But here is the real question: what is art?

There can be a lot of different definitions of art because everyone is different.

According to Merriam-Webster, art is "skill acquired by experience, study, or observation". For example, art of making friends. It can also mean "decorative or illustrative elements in printed matter" which is what we would expect, typically.

Henri Matisse describes art as "creativity", and I totally agree. Art can be literally anything, by anything, I mean anything. Art can be poop, it can be the migwish, it can even be a tissue you use to blow your nose on. Art is so opened to everything and everyone, the results are very unique. There is no such thing as failure or wrong in art because everything you do is art. Even at this moment, when I am typing these words, I am doing art. Isn't that so fascinating? I think it is!

During my 3D Art class, my teacher asked me "If you need to create a thing to represent your definiton of art, what would it be?", and I answered "the Earth". Have you ever wondered how beautiful this planet we live on is? I am telling you, the Earth is beautiful. On the Earth, there is me and you, and much more. And we are all art. (The Earth will be shared once it's done)

Horace once said "art is a poem without words". First of all, what is a poem? According to, poem is "a composition in verse, especially one that is characterized by a highly developed artistic form and by the use of heightened language and rhythm to express an intensely imaginative interpretation of the subject."

Take few seconds to look at the image below:

Poem is short and simple, but has a very deep message. Just like a poem, art can be as simple as a dot on a white piece of paper. You can ​​call that "art". But art doesn't just stop by stating "I drew a dot on a piece of paper." That is not art, that's called "drawing a dot on a piece of paper." You need to wonder, what can this dot possibly mean? For me, it represents racism. As soon as you look at that piece of paper, all your attention is going to go the black dot, why? Because it is different. Everything else is white except that black dot. This shows how African Americans were unfairly treated just because their skin color was different. People are scared of changes at times.

This is what art is. It doesn't always have to be as deep as what I just said, but there should be a purpose in every action you do, in every art you do.

It can be as simple as this. "I drew this because this is my favoirte character." or "I drew this because I was bored." Though it seems like these are some boring thoughts, they are acutally part of art. By drawing your "favorite character", it shows your personality and characteristics. By saying "I was bored", it explains that art is your hobby. It also shows that art is a doorway out of boredom. Art is fun!

Did you now notice? The beauty of art? Art is like the water we drink everyday. We can not live without art. Look around you - phones, computers, keyboards, calenders, pencils, erasers, your family, your dog, everything that surrounds you is art!!! Art is incredible!

I always keep this quote in mind.

"I was created to create."

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